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Symposium 04 (第6/6页)
characteristics of Earth' s marine life, such as bioluminesce, and food s that rely on hydrothermal vents on the o floor, at this time, Nina looked at the transparent wooden rimless smart gsses, Slowly say: what kind of creatures may terrestrial ps have, Doris looked at the transparent wooden rimless smart gsses, and said slowly: In an imaginary alien p simir to Earth, Alien herbivores may use huge, tree-trunk-like mouths, Use vacuum to suck food from rocky surface, on these ps, The shape and habits of the animal body may vary, But the path of animal evolution, and the basic body structure that supports life will be sistent within a certain range, Under Earth-like atmospheric and gravitational ditions, The way these alien animals eat and move should be simir to their terrestrial terparts, half an hour, Nina looked at the transparent wooden rimless smart gsses, Slowly say: what kind of creatures may ultra-low temperature ps have, Doris looked at the transparent wooden rimless smart gsses, and said slowly: On some pary surfaces, Temperatures be so low that nitrogen only exist as a liquid, In such areme enviro, the anic pos of life are formed, pletely different from the physiology and life forms of terrestrial ps based on liquid water, In theory, If it provide energy in some form and keep the living body alive, Even at such low temperatures, life is possible,